Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer

Las Vegas Embezzlement Lawyer

Embezzlement is the formal legal term for employee theft. The state of Nevada recognizes it as a white collar crime, and will prosecute it as such. If you are aware or suspect that you are being investigated for embezzlement in the Las Vegas area, contact a Las Vegas criminal lawyer as soon as possible.

Some embezzlement cases are quite minor and will be charged as misdemeanors, while others involving larger sums of money will be charged as a felony crime. A client that charged personal expenses to a company credit card and then falsified records of doing so will probably receive the least amount of punishment possible---fines, community service, and perhaps a small amount of jail time.

In other cases, clients that have misappropriated a large amount of money or those high profile cases involving government or high-powered officials will face tougher consequences.

Contact a Las Vegas Crimininal Lawyer

If you know that you have committed the crime of embezzlement, contact our office to discuss your options with the Las Vegas criminal lawyer immediately. Don’t try to fix what you’ve done or act on your own; doing so could actually help the prosecution put you in jail. The Las Vegas criminal lawyer will quickly review your case and create a plan of action for your case.

If you believe that you or someone you know could have possibly committed the crime of embezzlement, contact the law office of the Las Vegas criminal lawyer immediately for your consultation today.


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